Monday, November 12, 2012

So just how did the Pokemon World form?
And how did pokemon then come to be?
It all started with a galactic storm,
To know the tale you should listen to me.
It started when The three Beings did wake,
And three titans finally turned alive,
The universe cracked open and did shake
And the world it did break up into five.
A god of pokemon came down to earth,
It made a group of creature strong and wild,
The human race then stood upon the hearth,
To capture these creatures would be so mild,
These creature then would live in harmony,
That peace would then stay forever to be.


  1. And so to the Walmart the pokemon came,
    bringing with them their every cheap toy, card, and game.
    And the parents rejoiced, for then they could see
    What crap to pile under the Christmas tree
    (Eat your heart out Shakespeare!)

  2. Na na na na na na na na Blog Now! :)

  3. Just to update you on the adventures of The Great and Powerful Sneetchface... I have 100 views! One hundred! Of course half of them are probably mine, and the other half probably didn't listen to a word I said, but still... pretty cool right? :)
