Sunday, October 21, 2012

Midterm Autopsy

I don't know what a midterm autopsy is supposed to be but here's how I did things. I chose 4 of the lists to take to school the day of the Midterm.
I half-ass looked at the other lists a couple times the week prior to the Midterm
I crossed my fingers right before I got to class that the lists he chose were the ones I had studdied the most. It went surprisingly well.
Luckily I am relatively good with words to begin with so the ones I did not understand I was able to make an educated guess on.
In the end I got a 75% on this Midterm...not bad considering the amount of effort I put into studdying was about 15-20% of what I could have done. I make up for the other 55% with pure genius...not really but I did what I did and got a grade better than I had hoped for so I'm happy :)
I can improve for the final by actually studying this time...might just be the plan, who knows.


  1. Study? Damn it! Why the hell didn't I think of that, when I was in school? Don't worry kiddo, there's always community college! LMAO!

  2. Says the high school delinquent... as a side note (There's always the Navy as well)
